
While Click IT provides technical services to both residents and businesses, this site is purely dedicated to helping our franchisees (franchise owners and their employees) find customers who are businesses. Developing a strategy and designing an approach to gain the attention of businesses is key to attracting new clients.

This site has a list of techniques and strategies for gaining customers. It has been developed over many years and is based on Click IT's direct experiences in gaining a customer base for the corporate store. With a population inside the corporate store's protected territory of 5 miles, is just 56,000 residents and about 3,000 businesses. Pay attention to your market area because this will help determine how successful you will be in gaining your base of business.

The first goal in the process of earning new business is to first get an appointment or at least a purpose for a follow-up or face-to-face meeting, or at the very least, set up another phone conference.

We call the following "door-openers" or "foot-in-the-door" service offerings because when you approach a prospect with a concern for them and their welfare, they will more likely listen and welcome the conversation, or remedy being proposed.


Here are some ways to get a door opened for you once you have found the issue or "pain" and have devised a method of contact. (Speaking with a prospect is always the best way to introduce Click IT services and solutions, by the way.)

One issue to be conscientious of when developing your approach is that people hear promises all the time and in general, and we are all resistant to believing strangers and their promises because promises are all talk, and most don't deliver. One of the best ways you can earn the trust and long-term business of new customers is by giving them a satisfaction-guarantee, or better yet, a trial of a service offered at no charge. This only works to your advantage when there is a lot of business to be had or the service offered on a trial basis is on-going; where there are on-going charges so you can recuperate the losses (which is your investment) in providing the service at first at no charge. The services we suggest offering for free are sporadically mentioned on this website, but you will get the idea and understand the strategy; and eventually will develop over time, perhaps with trial and error, what works best for your business, your market area, and the nitches you decide to go after. Below is a list of suggested door-openers, as we call them.

1. Needs Cheaper, Faster, and Better - One of our sure bets is that you can claim the Click IT makes our customers' use of technology cheaper, faster, and better than any other service provider, hands down. We have identified and use only the best-in-class services, and then gain the cost for reduced pricing. A prospect who is already under contract, for instance, with another MSP provider will discover that Click IT can offer the same level of service for 30% to sometimes 50% less, depending on the design of the program. (See for and use our "Cost Calculator".)  "More value for less" should always be your underlying message, and that we only offer the best. It should always come across in your correspondences with all your prospects.

2. SSL Certificate Missing or Expired - Google is penalizing websites that are not secured with an SSL certificate. We can easily fix a website's lack of an SSL certificate. See How you find businesses with websites that don't have SSL certificates is easy. Use one of the following tools for finding clients who have this problem. Watch the training videos for the following tools:

  1. SSL Sniper
  2. Local Profits 360

3. Search Engine Rankings are Low - Click IT offers SEO services with a twist. We can offer an SEO service for local businesses where they do not pay us until we get their business listings on the first page of Google. Watch the video below to learn more about our unique offering.

There are several tools provided on Click IT Prospector that make it easy to find businesses in need of our SEO services. They are explained below:

4. Local Profits 360 Local SEO - This is a tool that allows you to do some easy evaluations that tell you how a business is ranking compared to its competitors. No one likes to hear that their competitors are beating them at the SEO game, where their listing is behind others. So once you get this confirmed in using this tool, you will be armed to contact this business to tell them of their problem and to offer them a solution through using our services to solve it.

5. Click IT Emarketing - On Click IT's Emarketing website, we can provide a full SEO report.  Go to your subdomain for the site and fill in the information in the pop-up.

Pick a Nitch to Prospect

Short Nitch List

Go to for a complete list of 280 nitches.