Daily Tasks for Marketing Your Click IT Store
The job of a marketing manager entails finding new and potential customers by using the tools available to them. We've built on this site, https://clickitprospector, to help share our knowledge and marketing tools we've used to market our corporate store.
You have to hit your prospects from all sides. Studies show that before someone will react to advertising, they need to see your message at least three times. The more times you can get out your message, the better. The more eyeballs that see your messages the better. There is no real formula for success beyond this. You just need to build awareness.
We believe that you should combine telemarketing and email in your marketing campaigns simultaneously. First, decide on the strategy, such as finding owners of businesses in a certain niche that don't have a website. Research how to find them using the tools under the menu "Find Prospect". Next, make a phone call to find the right person to contact and then gets that person's contact information, and records this information as they go into the Call Sheet, which is a Google Sheet. After permission has been granted by the company and an email address is giving out or confirmed verbally, you then follow up with an e-mail sent to that person who has expressed interest in receiving the information. (This is a very important aspect of the work; not sending an unsolicited e-mail is imperative.)
Finding a Pain Point
The goal ultimately again is to find potential customers for Click IT. As many as 100 phone calls may be made before one new prospect has been found who is willing to receive first the information by email and then a call from one of your store personnel as a follow-up. The objective in this approach is to get a person to say "yes" to having issues or problems with regard to their current IT management (or whatever issue you've discovered), and "yes" they are interested in finding a new solutions provider such as Click IT.
Review the Process
On a daily basis, you, your Store Manager or Marketing Manager should review the previous day's accomplishments in these efforts and then direct the next day's efforts by assigning more leads/targets to call. Watch videos from the teachers we provide on this site to coach the efforts along. Ideally, record your calls and listen back to them and come up with improvements. Fill out a call report spreadsheet, and do your campaigns religiously.
Call Sheet - Google Spreadsheet
Record all the collected information onto this call sheet. Once a lead is found, the Store Manager will add them to CRM and will take over the lead.